Meet the Team! Nar Reddy


About Nar:

Nar has 18+ years of work experience in IT, with specialization in EAI environment, many years of experience in variety of industries. In Nar’s career, he has excelled at independent consulting, team leadership, and developing.

Learn more about Nar on LinkedIn

We'd like to introduce you to our Senior BizTalk Developer, Nar Reddy. Below are some questions we've asked him to showcase what he brings to Aidant. 

1. What Is Your Role In Aidant Technologies?

I am a Senior BizTalk Developer, directly interacting with clients to get requirements for implementations. I work onsite to help with clients and their customer needs directly. I also work to improve and keep our DI. Platform up to date and current with new tools and improvements. Along with testing all DI. Platform enhancements and making sure they are perfect for our clients.

2. What About Aidant Technologies Interested You And What Do You Like About Working At A Growing Technology Company?

I’ve known Amit for 10 years and when he wanted to grow his company, I knew I wanted to grow with him and Aidant Technologies.

Aidant's view on new technology adoption, high-level teamwork that was also paired with new opportunities to grow my career were all contributing factors in choosing to work for Aidant. 

3. What’s Something Interesting That You’re Working On Now And Why?

Integration Projects using SAP integration with real-world problems that come from internal issues that a company might have been interesting for me to implement. Automating simple business transactions that can be fixed by requirements and can save the client from wasteful spending of money and time from many parties.

4. What New Technologies / Tools Are You Eager To Try Or Using Currently That You’re New To Using, And Explain Why?

New cloud technologies solve many problems by de-centralizing data. Cloud technology is faster and more efficient to be able to plug in data that you need when you need it. I look forward to helping future clients because of certain cloud tools that Aidant’s DI. The platform can provide to current and future clients.

5. What’s Something Unique You Bring To The Aidant Team?

My availability and time that I prioritize for clients and team members to make sure all work is complete and is exactly what the client needs. Being a quick starter and focused on time management is important to me, in regards to both internal and client-side business.

6. What Matters To You Most When You’re Working With A Client?

The first impression is the best impression when operating closely with a client. We are working hard in an effort to grow the company name at client locations while contributing to overall company growth for future client relationships.

7.   What Is Your Favorite Meal?

Sitting at a table with my kids, parents and grandparents eating together as a whole family.